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About Us

Your Trusted Real Estate Partner

Property Access is a real estate company providing services to individuals and organisations.

Our Mission: To provide a trusted hand in navigating property matters while ensuring that our clients’ needs and best interests are at the heart of everything we do.

Integrity is our hall mark.

We are Reliable, Dependable, Transparent, Trustworthy, Passionate and Fun

Our Story: PA founder and team has knowledge of the Kenyan real estate sector  developed over more than 17 years of managing acquisition of property assets for corporate clients to respond to fast paced campaigns to access land and buildings for valuable installations. The acquisitions had to be both fast and done right avoiding risks of loss to the client and mitigating impact to people.

PA was started to offer the same ability of connecting organisations and individuals to the right property assets and managing them efficiently.

Why us: Our  expertise in the real estate Industry spans over 17 years. With expert knowledge of factors affecting land, housing, property development, property management, land acquisition and resettlement in Kenya.

PA is the  trusted hand you need  to identify, and analyse the property investment you want to make, manage  the due diligence process to ensure all risks to the investment are identified and mitigated, integrate environmental and social sustainability, improve operations to maximise returns on your investment in property, support you in managing the property development process and add value throughout the working partnership.

Meet our Team

A reliable and hard working team that's aimed at helping you get the property you desire.

Susan Muchiri
Susan Muchiri

Susan is a Land Economist with 18 years cross cutting experience in land/property acquisition, valuation, project management, property development, property management, property agency, property advisory and environmental and social risks management.

Eric Kinyanjui
Property Consultant
Eric Kinyanjui
Property Consultant

Eric is a Real Estate professional with more than 3 years of experience in the real estate industry dealing with property valuation, property management, estate agency and land acquisition.

Irine Aiga
Administration Consultant
Irine Aiga
Administration Consultant

Irine manages the administrative processes of our real estate company. She holds qualifications in computer studies, photography and sign language interpretation

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