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Property Access Case Study | Asset Valuation for Childrise Development Programme

How we handled Asset Valuation for Childrise Development Programme

Our institutional client (Childrise Development Programme) needed to assess the value of their land and developments for book keeping purposes, following a recommendation by their auditors. The assets had never been valued before.  Property Access was the successful bidder for the assignment having met the requisite technical requirements.

We inspected the properties and provided the reports within the same week, keeping our word to the client on expected turnaround time enabling the client utilise the report and update the value of their property assets in the books.


Our client was very satisfied and provided the following written feedback:


“Property Access were responsive having inspected and prepared the valuation reports within the same week of being awarded the contract. Their report demonstrated professionalism and we had an excellent customer experience. We recommend Property Access for similar assignments”. John Muriithi, Finance Officer, Childrise Development Programme.

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