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Property Access Case Study | Asset Valuation for Childrise Development Programme

How we helped our client in the property acquisition process in Kileleshwa

The buyer (Our client) is a repeat client. Property Access provided services of setting up a property management processes and procedures for his rental premises, managed renovation of the premises, selected tenants and let the premises. 

This time his need was to identify and purchase a home for his family. He had searched and most options he found did not fit his requirements. 

Property Access helped him review a number of options that met his size requirements, location requirements that could provide play areas for his young children and within his budget range.  Once he settled on his most preferred option, Property Access negotiated and obtained a discount which was required to fit the client’s budget.

Upon agreeing on the price, Property access further conducted due diligence on behalf of the client.  We obtained two searches from the lands office; for the apartment and that of the land on which the apartment is built to ensure there we no restrictions, debts or liabilities on the title, we obtained the unwritten history of the property from interviewing various relevant sources, looked at the developments in the neighbourhood to asses users and see if there were any foreseeable issues that would affect use and enjoyment of the apartment and provided findings to our client. He was confident to proceed with the transaction with the seller and financiers.


“Property Access have been committed in supporting us every step of the way. Their knowledge of real estate transactions and processes has given us a lot of confidence as we have navigated this acquisition.”  Client Kileleswa

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