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Property Access Services

Property Management - Keeping it well

Property Access Ltd manages properties on behalf of the landlords to ensure they get the highest returns possible from their investment while continually improving the value of the property.

We offer the following property management services to our clients:

  • Screening tenants and maintaining high occupancy rate.

We screen potential tenants to select responsible clients who are keen to meet their obligations. We aim at maintaining high occupancy rates to all the properties under our management by creating a positive and conducive environment for tenants. This translates to stable rental income for the landlord.

  • Administration of leases.

We administer leases to ensure that the landlords’ and tenants’ interests are protected. Our property management team has in-depth experience in processes of administration and enforcement of the terms and conditions of leases within the laws that govern the administration of leases. We have effective procedures for: 

  • Handover during entry and exit 

Rent, utilities and security deposit refunds

Advisory to landlords on statutory payments including property taxes to the Kenya Revenue Authority, property rates to County Government and where applicable land rent to the Ministry of lands



  • Rent and service charge collection and administration 

We have in place effective procedures to ensure rent and service charge collection to minimize rental arrears and maximize on the rental income received from the investment.

  • Property repair and maintenance 

We establish both planned and unplanned maintenance procedures to effectively handle all maintenance and repair works on behalf of the landlord. This ensures that the value of the property is maintained.

  • Management of service providers

Our property management team sources and manages service providers for security, cleaning, landscaping, garbage collection, and lift maintenance, among others, to ensure all the services are provided effectively and efficiently.

  • Tenant Landlord Relationship and Complain resolution

Our property management team manages the landlord-tenant relationship to ensure that the tenant has enjoyable stay at the property with minimal disruption while the landlord’s interests are not taken care of. We have a commitment to resolve issues raised by landlord and tenants within a reasonable period.

  • Prepare monthly, and annual property reports

We submit to the landlord monthly and annual detailed reports or when need arises. The report covers all aspects regarding the property, including; rental income, expenses, completed repair and maintenance works, projections, and occupancy levels.

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